Initially founded as Resource Exchange by Carlos Garcia and Nelson Rodriguez in May 1985. The Nelrod Company was later incorporated in September 1990 in Fort Worth, Texas by its President and CEO – Nelson Rodriguez.
During the mid-80s, there were only a few private consulting firms specializing in affordable and assisted housing in the entire nation –even fewer of those have remained successful. While other leading consulting firms tended to focus on large agencies, The Nelrod Company went against the grain. We chose to instead focus on smaller housing communities – those with similar problems, but fewer available resources.
In addition to consulting services, The Nelrod Company has performed hundreds of facilities condition assessments for clients across the country. These assessments are used for short and long-term cost planning and help our clients to identify millions of dollars in rehabilitation and energy efficiency improvements for residential and commercial buildings.
In an attempt to better service our clients, The Nelrod Company received accreditation from the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) to establish a new inspections division – FOX Energy Specialists.
Established in 2000, FOX Energy Specialists combined years of affordable housing industry experience and additional building science training to become one of the top producing energy testing and rating companies in the country. Since its establishment, FOX has inspected, audited, or rated more than 40,000 separate building structures for our clients.
Today, The Nelrod Company still specializes in providing management, planning, and training services to the affordable and assisted housing industry. However, we have since expanded our service offerings to include technical assistance to almost every facet of management and federal program operations. Accordingly, we have assisted more than 3,720 assisted housing agencies, hundreds of construction companies, and more than 35,400 individual clients in the United States and overseas.